J Tarpoff Offers Over The Competition
Engineering and
Technology Competence
J Tarpoff engineers and technologists are knowledgeable and logical. The
company has a no-nonsense philosophy of staying focused on getting the
job done and creating value for customers. As such we accept only assignments
we understand...regardless of complexity...and the company has a success
rate to prove it.
Technical Understanding
of Position Requirements
Sales and recruiting personnel have technical backgrounds and can understand
customer demands. The company has the ability to interpret requirements
and to fit the right knowledge and skills to the assignment.
J Tarpoff is known for fairness, truthfulness, and competence; our strongest
intangible assets. If you're tired of sales people talking "a line",
then you're ready for a change. The company always provides the best advice
regardless of the situation and what the customer wants to hear.
Drive to Ensure
Customer Savings
Value engineering begins with a focus on cost savings and efficiency.
J Tarpoff strives to create value for customers wherever and whenever